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Corvette Club's Annual Christmas in October

Chuck & Jann Perkins have graciously offered their beautiful home in Stowe for our annual Christmas in October event. We celebrate the holidays early each year to avoid the winter weather and to ensure our members who winter in the south can be part of the festivities.

There will be a Yankee Swap gift exchange and a potluck meal. We ask that everyone please bring a dish to share with the group. Jann will provide a spiral ham and baked beans. They will also have water, soda, beer, wine, chips, peanuts, cheese, and crackers.

For people who want to caravan to Stowe, Herb and Tina will meet you at the Shaws on Route 100 in Waterbury at 11:45. The group will depart at 12:15. If you prefer to drive on your own, their address is 3681 Mountain Road, Stowe, VT.

Please ensure your gifts have a price limit of $10-$15. Each couple should bring two gifts that would be suitable for a man, woman or vehicle. There will be plenty of parking and Jann has already begun decorating!

RSVP no later than October 3 so Chuck & Jann know how many people to expect.

September 24

Fall Foliage Ride

May 19

Corvette Club Annual Meeting